My coworkers drive me insane. Everyone complains about their holiday weight gain; yet, everyday at lunch, everyone is asking what restaurant we want to go to. Every day it is “Who else wants Mexican?” or “Does anyone want Jimmy John’s?” or “Where are you going for lunch?” I swear I’m just going to start packing them all a lunch every day because I’m tired of it!
It’s tough being that one person brown-bagging it. But, when it comes down to it, I think my lunches look so much better than anyone else’s! And my lunches always range from 300 to 450 calories.
One of my favorites is Turkey Teriyaki. I guarantee you have left over turkey! Ladies, grab about 4-5 ounces of turkey; guys will probably want 5-6 ounces. Don’t smother your turkey in teriyaki sauce—measure yourself a serving and keep it on the side. If you dip your turkey into it, you’re going to eat much less sauce but still get plenty of flavor. I’ll often take one of those Steam Fresh bags of broccoli and then add a piece of fruit.
A lot of people think you need to eat nothing but salad in order to lose weight. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll notice a significant lack of salads. However! Here’s my favorite salad! Start with some spring greens or spinach. Add a few slices of grapefruit and tangerines. Top it off with a small slice of grilled salmon (grill the night before and eat it cold, it’s delicious)! The flavor combination is fantastic, and you’ll be getting some heart healthy fats into your diet.
Do you ever get to lunch time and just want something sweet? Kashi makes some fantastic high protein and high fiber cereals. I like the Almond Flax Crunch because it’s sweetened just enough (and I love Almonds). Take a cup of cereal and add to a cup of Chobani Greek Yogurt. They have great flavors—I just tried the pomegranate today, but my favorite is the peach! They have fat free and 2% options. It’s a quick way to get a good amount of protein and satisfy that sweet tooth.
Got any good brown bag ideas? Seen anyone else bring in the kind of packed lunch that makes you wish you hadn’t gone out?
Because my coworker and I hate watching our paycheck go towards fast food or restaurants and stuff, we've been having lunch parties.
At the beginning of the week we split a list of stuff like: yogurt, apples slices, PB&J, bread, gold fish, and other stuff. Then we make a little lunch party of making our lunches together. OR we have snack options (yogurt and granola) so then we don't feel like we're starving, at the end of the day, and have to scarf down Micky Ds.
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